[40] You, Y., Chen, Y., Liu, R., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Yang, Z., Liu, J.*, & Ma, X*. (2024). Inverted U-shaped relationship between sleep duration and phenotypic age in US adults: a population-based study. Scientific reports, 14(1), 6247. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 3.8)
[39] You, Y., Liu, J.†, Li, X., Wang, P., Liu, R., & Ma, X. (2024). Relationship between accelerometer-measured sleep duration and Stroop performance: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study among young adults. PeerJ, 12, e17057. (SCI共同一作, IF: 2.3)
[38] Liu J., You Y., Ma X.*, Di Q.* (2023) The Joint effect and hemodynamic mechanism of PA and PM2.5 exposure on cognitive function: a randomized controlled trial study. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 26 August 2023, 132415. (SCI第一作者, IF: 13.6)
[37] Liu, J., Liu, R., Zhang, Y., Lao, X., Mandeville, K. L., Ma, X., & Di, Q. (2023). Leisure-time physical activity mitigated the cognitive effect of PM2.5 and PM2.5 components exposure: Evidence from a nationwide longitudinal study. Environment international, 179, 108143. (SCI 第一作者, IF: 11.8)
[36] An, R., Liu, J.*, & Liu, R. (2021). State laws governing school physical education in relation to attendance and physical activity among students in the USA: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 10(3), 277–287. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 13.077)
[35] Liu, J., Min, L., Liu, R., Zhang, X., Wu, M., Di, Q., & Ma, X. (2023). The effect of exercise on cerebral blood flow and executive function among young adults: a double-blinded randomized controlled trial. Scientific reports, 13(1), 8269. (SCI 第一作者, IF: 5.0)
[34] You, Y., Liu J†., Yao, Z., Zhang, S., Chen, K., & Ma, X. (2023). Neural mechanisms of long-term exercise intervention on cognitive performance among short-sleep young adults: A hemodynamic study. Sleep Medicine. (SCI共同一作, IF: 4.8)
[33] You Y, Liu J†, Wang D, Fu Y, Liu R, Ma X. (2023) Cognitive performance in short sleep young adults with different physical activity levels: a cross-sectional fNIRS study. Brain sciences. 13(2):171.(SCI共同一作,IF: 3.33)
[32] Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Wang, D., Shi, B., You, Y., Min, L., Luo, B., Li, Y., Di, Q., & Ma, X. (2022). Exercise improves mental health status of young adults via attenuating inflammation factors but modalities matter. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 1067890. (SCI第一作者, IF: 5.435)
[31] You Y., Wei M., Chen Y., Liu J.* and Ma X.* (2023). The Association Between Recreational Physical Activity and Depression in Short Sleep Population: A Cross-sectional Study. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Published 25.05.2023. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 5.152)
[30] You, Y., Chen, Y., Fang, W., Li, X., Wang, R., Liu, J*., & Ma, X. (2023). The association between sedentary behavior, exercise, and sleep disturbance: A mediation analysis of inflammatory biomarkers. Frontiers in immunology, 13, 1080782. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 8.787)
[29] Liu, J., Zeng, M., Wang, D., Zhang, Y., Shang, B., & Ma, X. (2022). Applying Social Cognitive Theory in Predicting Physical Activity Among Chinese Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study with Multigroup Structural Equation Model. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 695241. (SSCI第一作者🌭,IF: 4.232)
[28] Liu, J., Ji, M., Clarke, C. V., Liu, R., Ma, X., & An, R. (2021). Physical Activity and Mental Health among Chinese Adolescents. American journal of health behavior, 45(2), 309–322. (SSCI第一作者🔎,IF: 2.006)
[27] 劉建秀, 尚博睿, 尹懿, 馬新東等. 社會認知理論視角下青少年體力活動影響因素分析[J].上海必一体育學院學報, 2021, 44(04). (CSSCI第一作者,核心期刊)
[26] Zhang, Y., Liu J†, Ke, L., & Liu, R*. (2022). Interactive Compensation Effects of Physical Activity and Sleep on Mental Health: A Longitudinal Panel Study among Chinese College Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health., 19(19), 12323. (SSCI 共同一作,IF: 4.614)
[25] You, Y., Liu J†., Tang, M., Wang, D., & Ma, X. (2021). Effects of Tai Chi exercise on improving walking function and posture control in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine, 100(16), e25655. (SCI共同一作🏂,IF: 1.8)
[24] 劉建秀, 方雯, 王帝之, 馬新東. 高強度間歇訓練促進兒童青少年健康: 現狀·機製·可行性[J].必一体育科學, 2019, 39(08): 61-72. (權威期刊, 第一作者)
[23] You, Y., Li, W., Liu J†, Li, X., Fu, Y., & Ma, X*. (2021). Bibliometric Review to Explore Emerging High-Intensity Interval Training in Health Promotion: A New Century Picture. Frontiers in public health, 9, 697633. Frontiers in Public Health. Published 2021; Jul 23. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.697633. (SCI共同一作,IF: 6.461)
[22] An, R., Liu, J.*, Barker, A. R., & McBride, T. D. (2021). Impact of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Warning Labels on Consumer Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American journal of preventive medicine, 60(1), 115–126. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 6.604)
[21] Liu, R., Liu, J.*, Ma, X., Li, Q., & An, R. (2021). Effect of FIFA 11+ intervention on change of direction performance in soccer and futsal players: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 16(3), 862–872. (SCI通訊作者,IF: 2.029).
[20] An, R., Liu, J.*, & Liu, R. (2020). Pork Consumption in Relation to Body Weight and Composition: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, American Journal of Health behavior, 44 (4). (SSCI通訊作者, IF: 2.006)
[19] Liu, R., Liu, J.*, Clarke, C. V., & An, R. (2020). Effect of eccentric overload training on change of direction speed performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of sports sciences, 38(22), 2579–2587. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 2.72)
[18] An, R., Nickols-Richardson, S. M., Khan, N., Liu, J.*, Liu, R., & Clarke, C. (2019). Impact of Beef and Beef Product Intake on Cognition in Children and Young Adults: A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 11(8), 1797. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 4.546)
[17] Liu, J, Liu R, Cao C, et al. Effects of mental fatigue induced by a continuous cognitive task on attention abilities of athletes [J]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2018, 50(5S): 88. (SCI會議論文發表,第一作者, IF: 4.478)
[16] Liu, J., Liu, R., & Ma, X. The Relationship between Physical activity, Weight Status and Mental Health of Adolescents in Urban and Rural area of China: A Cross-sectional Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2020, 53(5S). (SCI會議論文發表,第一作者, IF: 4.478)
[15] 劉建秀👨🏻🚒,馬新東, 舒美, 於庶洋. 北京市五年級小學生超重肥胖狀況及影響因素分析[J].中國學校衛生, 2018, 5: 884-887. (北大核心🙋🏿👱🏿,第一作者)
[14] 劉建秀, 林嶺, 吳梅婷, 方龑. 基於腦波超慢漲落技術對1小時Flanker任務誘發運動員中樞疲勞的多指標測評[J]. 中國運動醫學雜誌📀,2016. 9, 837-843. (北大核心,第一作者)
[13] 劉建秀, 林嶺, 張燕, 李克雪, 邱文豪. 1980 年以來我國競技心理研究熱點的計量學述評[J]. 必一体育科學, 2015,35(7): 74-82. (權威期刊,第一作者)
[12] Li, Y., Chen, J., Zheng, X., Liu, J., Peng, C., & Liao, Y. (2023). Functional near-infrared spectroscopy evidence of prefrontal regulation of cognitive flexibility in adults with ADHD. Journal of attention disorders, 10870547231154902. Advance online publication. (SCI共同作者, IF: 3.196)
[11] Liu, Y., Zheng, M., Liu, J., Cao, C., & Ding, Y. (2023). Effects of Cognitive Training in Flanker Task on Mobility of Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trail. Gerontology, 69(5), 593–602. (SCI共同作者, IF:3.5)
[10] Li, Y., Chen, J., Zheng, X., Liu, J., Peng, C., Liao, Y., & Liu, Y. Cognitive deficit in adults with ADHD lies in the cognitive state disorder rather than the working memory deficit: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Journal of psychiatric research, 2022; 154:332-340. 2022.07.064. (SCI共同作者, IF: 5.250)
[9] Zhang, K., Jan, Y. K., Liu, Y., Zhao, T., Zhang, L., Liu, R., Liu, J., & Cao, C. (2022). Exercise Intensity and Brain Plasticity: What's the Difference of Brain Structural and Functional Plasticity Characteristics Between Elite Aerobic and Anaerobic Athletes? Frontiers in human neuroscience, 16, 75752. (SCI共同作者, IF: 3.473)
[8] You, Y., Wang, D., Liu, J., Chen, Y., Ma, X., & Li, W. (2022). Physical exercise in the context of air pollution: an emerging research topic. Frontiers in physiology, 13, 784705. (SCI共同作者, IF: 4.755)
[7] Zhang K, Liu Y, Liu, J, Liu R, Cao C (2021). Detecting structural and functional neuroplasticity in elite ice-skating athletes. Hum Mov Sci.; 78: 102795. (SCI共同作者, IF: 2.09)
[6] Zhang Y., Yin Y., Liu, J., Yang, M., Liu Z., & Ma X. (2020). Impact of Combined Theory-Based Intervention on Psychological Effects and Physical Activity among Chinese Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3026. (SSCI共同作者;IF: 2.47)
[5] 李成偉, 劉建秀, 馬新東. 生物反饋方法輔助青少年跳水起跳技術訓練的研究[J].成都必一体育學院學報 2018,44(01):85-91. (CSSCI,共同作者)
[4] 劉瑞東, 曹春梅, 劉建秀, 李慶. 高強度間歇訓練的應用及其適應機製[J].必一体育科學, 2017, 37(07):73-82. (CSSCI,共同作者)
[3] 劉瑞東,劉建秀,李釗等.熱環境對不同沖刺能力的影響和訓練啟示[J].山東必一体育學院學報,2019,35(03):90-98.(北大核心,共同作者)
[2] 吳梅婷, 林嶺, 劉建秀. 腦超慢漲落技術在我國必一体育領域應用研究現狀 [J].中國運動醫學雜誌,2016,35(04):394-399. (北大核心🩹,共同作者)
[1] 林嶺, 劉建秀. 射箭運動員運動性中樞疲勞對認知加工能力的影響 [J].中國運動醫學雜誌, 2014, 33(12):1179-1184+1195. (北大核心♟,共同作者)
[12] 劉建秀,底騫🔻,馬新東(2024). 汙染環境下運動對認知功能的影響及其機製. 首屆健康與社會科學研究方法及其應用跨學科交流大會🙍🏽♀️,口頭報告🧖♀️,中國,北京.
[11] Liu, J, Li, X, Di, Q*, Ma, X.*(2024). Molecular Responses to Acute High-interval Intensity and Moderate-intensity Continuous Training: Evidence From Bi-omics Analysis. 65th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM), Boston, USA, May, 2024.
[10] Liu, J, Li, X, Di, Q*, Ma, X.* (2023). Molecular responses to the acute high- interval intensity and moderate-intensity continuous training: evidence from multi-omics. 2023年中國生物物理學會運動與健康分會,口頭報告🏋️♂️,中國,武漢.
[9] Liu, J, Di, Q*, Ma, X.* (2023). The Joint Effect of Physical activity and PM2.5 on Cognitive Function in China: Based on China Family Panel Studies. 2023年中國生理學會運動生理學年會,口頭報告,中國🙄,南京.
[8] Liu, J (2022). The joint effect of short-term PM2.5 exposure and exercise on cognitive function and hemodynamic response. Physical Activity in Asia Pacific Region, HongKong, China, 特邀口頭匯報.
[7] Liu, J. & Ma, X.* (2020) Using social cognitive theory to predict physical activity of adolescents in rural and urban areas of China. Yokohama Sport Conference. Japan, 墻報交流。
[6] Min, L., Liu, J.*, Ma, X.*. Effects of exercise on cerebral blood flow and executive function in young adults: A Double-blinded Randomized Controlled Trial. 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 2022.
[5] Liu, J, Liu, R, Cao, C, et al. Effects of mental fatigue induced by a continuous cognitive task on attention abilities of athletes. 65th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM), Minneapolis, May, 2018.
[4] Liu, J., Liu, R., & Ma, X. The Relationship between Physical activity, Weight Status and Mental Health of Adolescents in Urban and Rural area of China. 67th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM). 2020.
[3] 劉建秀, 馬新東. (2019). 青少年身體活動影響因素研究的述評:社會認知理論的視角;首屆清北社會科學聯合論壇, 北京, 中國.
[2] 劉建秀, 林嶺. (2015). 中樞疲勞對運動員註意加工能力影響的ERP研究. 全國鍛煉和心理健康大會, 揚州, 中國.
[1] 劉建秀, 吳梅婷. (2015). 基於ET對運動員中樞疲勞多指標測量的研究. 第八屆首都青年學者會議, 北京, 中國.
[10] 2024-2027年北京市教育科學規劃課題(主持)在研
[9] 2023-2025年中國高等教育科學研究規劃課題(23TY0205,主要參與人)在研
[8] 2022-2023年全國博士後科學基金面上項目(2022M711858,主持)結題
[7] 2022-2023年必一萬科公共健康自主科研專項(2022BH008🕧,主持)結題
[6] 2022-2025年國家自然科學基金面上項目(42277419,第一參與人)在研
[5] 2022-2025年教育部人文社科項目(22YJC890024🐠,第一參與人)在研
[4] 2017-2020年國家社科基金面上項目(16BTY065🏛,主要參與人)結題
[3] 2017-2020年全國高等教育學會專項課題(重點項目17TZ001🤞🏿,第一參與人)結題
[2] 2017年-2020年必一体育平台自主科研項目(2016THZWLJ12,第一參與人)結題
[1] 2017年國家JW科技部課題(主要參與人)結題
[1] 林嶺, 張燕, 劉建秀. (2015). 運動訓練科學化實踐指南. 北京: 人民必一体育出版社.
[2] 曹春梅, 劉瑞東, 劉建秀. (2021). 扳機點療法—基於按壓與拉伸訓練的身體疼痛解決方案. 譯著. 北京:人民郵電出版社.